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At the end of January, we submitted our annual report for the year 2024 to the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. In this report, we presented the following key outcomes of our project:

1 Prototype:

  • Integrated level sensor with NFC reader.

1 Utility Sample:

  • 3D printed ceramic element for electronic applications.

8 Functional Samples:

  • Sensor element with a fiber-mirror resonance structure.
  • Bedside incontinence sensor.
  • Printed capacitive touch button.
  • Hybrid electronic system on a flexible substrate.
  • Circuit realization of microwave synthesizer.
  • Universal communication module with low power consumption for sensors with a 5G interface.
  • Ceramic carrier for sensor and functional structures.
  • Module for generating electricity from waste heat.

12 Other Outcomes

9 Publications

These results reflect the progress and innovations achieved within the scope of our project, which contribute to advancements in the fields of sensor technology, electronics, and sustainability.

Dear consortium workshop participants, dear partners, we would like to express our thanks for your attendance at our recent event. Your contribution in discussion is to us very valuable and it not just help to improve our cooperation and creation process, but it also made the occasion both enjoyable and memorable.

FEIM through one of our industrial partners Fortes took part at this year’s Electronica in Munich, one of the largest and most prestigious trade fairs for electronics and technology.

The operational meetings are held on the first Friday of each month. These meetings are intended to coordinate the activities of sub-projects, and therefore, we welcome, in particular, the sub-project leaders and their closest collaborators.